Mondays, after a weekend of derby, are some of the toughest days I ever fight through.
Here's my thinking: I've spent the weekend kicking ass and taking names. I laid the floor that I skated on. I shut down the jammer and allowed my jammer to get lead. I hit people with my butt. I afterpartied hard with the people who had just been my enemies. Then maybe we had a hangover scrimmage or endurance practice the next day. I'm applying things I've learned and revelling in the derby that happened.
And then Monday rolls around. I go to work where people yell at me because I'm not a mind reader. I'm sorry there wasn't enough chicken on your salad. That was the amount of chicken you paid for. Totally out of my control.
Anybody else have the Monday Syndrome? What do you do to cope (besides go to scrimmage)?