...was extra exhausting.
So I got on the internets, did some stuff, iced my back, and took a shower, COMPLETELY forgetting to update my blog. I'm fixing that now.
So tonight was a semi-last minute extended prep practice. There was a call for grannies who could stay to help assist with the training. But that's afterward. Here's regular practice.
Did some offskates warm-ups, then we did this drill called Montreal. It involves a sort of paceline where you all jog in place and someone weaves through the line, juking and faking right and left up to the front. We did it til we ran out of warehouse. No good for me. My body is not meant to run or jog. Not even in place. So my ankles was not loving it. My mentor says her calves hurt everytime she does it, so I feel better.
Anyway, right before Montreal, I was talking to a newbie and said something about 25 in 5. "What's that?" she said. I was taken aback for a fraction of a second and calmly explained it was the 25 laps in 5 minutes drill. She said she'd never done that. I told her not to tell anyone that. SHO NUFF, as soon as the grannies started doing their drills and we newbies head to the center, P. Hole says, "25 in 5." I locked eyes with the aforementioned newbie.
P. Hole said she knew we'd done 25 in 5 as a pack last week and whether we'd prefer to do it as a pack or as individuals. There was much talk of how we needed to work on the pack bit. I mentioned that we'd only done 25 in 5 as a pack once, so we quickly decided to do that. Our last time was 7:23. We did it in 2 packs of 5. My pack was first. We did extremely well. We kept it packed up pretty well the whole time. Our time came in at 5:36. Not bad.
I would like to say right now that I love P. Hole as a trainer. She says "bitch" and "shit" so often. She calls gear "bullshit." She told us we'd be rejoining "those bitchfaces over there." I smiled internally.
The rest of our drills involved non-derby direction pyramid laps and squats and stickyskating and fun stuff like that. We rejoined the "bitchfaces" and did wall-sits, which involved much ass-busting. I fell twice. I don't even remember what the rest of practice was like.
Cut to: cooldown for lame-os who was leaving at regular time, and a brief break for those of us staying. I took a pee break, and braved the treacherous path to the bathroom in my skates. I get back and Foxy starts talking about what we'll be doing which is largely pack work.
We start out locking wheels in a pack. My mentor was targeting me. And apparently there's an unspoken rule that you can pull on or lean on your mentee at any time. I accidentally tripped Psy, sorry!
So we progressed to bumps and hits in a pack. The grannies hit us gently and we absorbed and tried to stay in the pack.
Then they got to go "balls out" or "no mercy." Oh my ow. Hellin once again targeted me. I think I won for most time on the floor. Psy hit me good, then IMMEDIATELY after, Foxy slammed me and I went down. It wasn't enough to make me forget what day it was, but I definitely had to think about what direction to get up in. I was whacked so many times. And so many shoulder hits. I fell either small or outside the track as much as possible. I got slammed good and hard several times. Enough to damn near clear my sinuses.
I think we did unexpected obstacles next, which I was surprisingly good at. It reminded me of being at Northwest again with unpredictable middle schoolers. They're just all over the place. And until I tripped over Fister and absolutely did not fall small.
This is when I started hurting bad. My back stopped wanting to arch, my feet were in intense pain and cramping and asleep.
We worked on Johnny Crashes next which is something I've never done. At least not with contact. I worked with Hellin. I wasn't bad at it for my first time. I need to work on keeping elbows out of the game, popping up into the hit and popping back down, and aiming it properly. We're aiming for the mid-boob (or sternum, but that's not what we call it in derby). Hellin told me to watch and aim at her chest for now, but to work on being able to do it without because, in a bout, if I aim, she'll know what I'm gonna do before I do it.
Then we did a paceline and crashed through it. I need to work on being comfortable with one skate in front of the girl I'm hitting. And widening my stance. I had tried widening earlier in the evening and it was a no go.
Anyway, I'm tired and need to switch ice packs, so that's all for now, I think I covered everything.
I got hit hard. Assessments are next week. I'm still pushing myself to pass them. Hugs and bruises!