Thursday, June 16, 2011

Practice/Rules Clinic

I intend (fully) to blog about tonight's practice, but not now. I need sleep now.

Ok, now let's see if I can remember everything.

Assessments Day 2 were last night. I was asked countless times why I was not assessing. The answer is that I haven't done hitting in 6 months. And I've only ever done Johnny Crashes once. I mean I could do pack stuff fairly well, and definitely the whips/pushes (maybe not inside arm whips), but hitting I have little experience with.

Anyway, the TC worked hard to ensure that those of us not-assessing got track time also. K-Rye, recovered enough from her knee bruise, was on skates and our trainer.

We worked on pacing. I was paired with .357 Maggie who took every time I passed her as a personal victory. But it was all in good fun.

I can't really think of anything else we did on the track.

So then K-Rye split us up into Grannies and those who'd passed Day 1 (curse you t-stops!) and newbies. We newbies worked on stops and drops and stuff. We did plow stops, t-stops, 6-point the area near the benches. Afterwards Mr. and Mrs. Litvak, better known as L8r Sk8r and Psy*Ren, led a rules clinic.

They went over one of the rules tests. Apparently newbies have been failing the rules test. I mostly knew the answers, when I was paying attention. Sometimes I'd stop listening and not hear answer choices or something. It was simple stuff like which kind of cutting the track penalty is a major, and which is a minor. Also the definition of in-play and the engagement zone and all that.

Then we ate at Solstice. And gossiped. And then I got a ride home and now I'm full circle/

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