Tuesday, August 23, 2011


It's been a while, I know. A lot has happened. Including the death of my dear laptop, Gregorio. Overwhelmingly, that's why I have not been posting. Also, I started my Fall classes last week. Which has actually brought me in front of a computer rather frequently, so there's really no excuse in the last week or so.

As far as derby goes, like 6000 have happened. I passed Day 1, back in June. I'm now a Mid-Lifer. That's our term, recently coined. We get to practice with the grannies and I have been doing so.

I also recently acquired new skates. They're not new-new. They're a pair of used Wickeds. They were used for a year by one of our skaters, but she was moving and wanted to see if she could pass them along. I'm still getting used to them, only had them for a month, but I have bypassed the leather break-in that some of our skaters are experiencing. It seems like several of our skaters have just bought Wickeds and many more have switched to Atom Poisons for our warehouse.

We also may be painting the warehouse floor soon, to hopefully have a cleaner track. We're testing the paint now.

Since becoming WFTDA, all of our bouting skaters have to retake assessments and that's coming up real soon. Right after out bout this weekend, in fact.

I have to redo Day 1 and take Day 2. I will hopefully be passing both very soon. I intend to be rostered for the last bout of the season. That's my goal!

I will be holding down the fort at Pride Charlotte this weekend, so if you're coming out, stop by the CLTRG table and see my new purple scooter.