Monday, September 20, 2010

Skate Maintenance

Today I cleaned my wheels, unlaced the skates, took the duct tape off the toes, clean up the residue with alcohol, and put the toe guards on. I don't have one of those fancy toe stop wrenches, so I was using my c-wrench for it. Heh. Needed some assistance from the boy.

I attempted to take a look at my pivot cups, but I couldn't very well see them. One of these days, I'll get a proper tool and take my skate apart and put it back together. Just for fun.

Anyway, that's today's update on my journey to becoming a roller girl.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Intra-league Bout

The lovely ladies had a bout today, (it was my first-ever bout, so whooo!) the age-old Kitten vs. Cougar match-up. There was a previous Battle of the Ages in December of 2009, where the Cougars bested the Kittens 100-81.

For extra flavor, the ladies changed the names of the teams to the Vintage Vixens and Baby Bombshells.

Today was the birthday of both Hellin Felon and K-Rye, both Baby Bombshells.

There were only 10 or so skaters per team, meaning a lot of skating for every lady. The ladies skated hard with the Baby Bombshells taking an early lead. It was mostly a clean game, since these ladies normally skate together.

The Baby Bombshells were up at the half, and they remained ahead the whole bout. The Vixens fought hard, but the Bombshells blocked their Jammers time and time again. (It didn't hurt that one of the Jammers for the Bombshells got 3 grand slams in one jam.)

There were a few injuries. Foxy Pound took her time getting up during one jam, but she got up to jam again. And Speak'n Spanglish twerked her right shoulder something awful. The medical staff could not determine what exactly she did, she'll need x-rays for that, but she was in good spirits the rest of the bout and afterward.

The final score was 96-79 Bombshells. Good job all around ladies, and Happy Birthday to K-Rye and Hellin!

I'm Excited...

I'm excited to attend practice. Like yeah, this morning, it was kind of rough to roll out of bed at 8 am after 2 consecutive nights of working until...late. (Not to mention, having to work at 9 am the previous morning.)

But really, even when I am super sore the next day, it thrills me to go to practice.

I've actually gotten to where I'm not so sore I can't move the next day every practice. Progress, you guys, progress!

And I'm the youngest girl in the league. For once, I am excited to be the youngest.



So I've recently joined the Charlotte Roller Girls. I guess I should give a little background.

For years now, I've been seeing the roller girls out and about and they have tried to recruit me. Well this year I'm finally eligible (since I'm 19). At one time, CLTRG had the age requirement at 18, and I was getting close, but then it was upped.

So I signed up as wanting to join/volunteer shortly after turning 19, and was invited to a meet-and-greet, which I missed due to my going to Alabama for work. So I get back in town, only to find out that the roller girls have moved their practice space from a rink in Gastonia to a warehouse in NoDa. It was fate. I work in NoDa. My boyfriend lives there. It's ridonc close to my house (which is good, since I bus it everywhere).

So I go to the Auguest meet-and-greet. And attended the subsequent 4-hour (Was it only 4? Felt like a year...) skating clinic. It was grueling, it was hellish, it was intense...and I loved every minute of it.

Since then, I've attended every practice I could. I got my mentor, #13 Hellin Felon.

As of this morning, I've attended 6 practices and get to join the Yahoo Group. It's not a milestone with a lot to show for it, BUT it will get me in the loop. So yaaaay!