Friday, June 8, 2012

Roller Derby Saved My Soul

Hi, my name is Rita and I play roller derby. I joined the Charlotte Roller Girls almost two years ago and made my debut this past Feburary. I have given a lot to roller derby and my league, but they have given me just as much. I couldn't ask for a better group of women to skate circles with several nights a week. Sure, we have our disagreements, but we're doing this thing together and I respect that.

Roller derby lets me live a world outside the norm, and not just because of the shiny pants and fierce name. I'm a little bit neurotic, truly. I probably have OCD, and my rituals tend to interfere with my daily life. I'm also a bit of a germaphobe. That, coupled with the fact that I work in food service, means A LOT of hand washing. I always have several bottles of hand sanitizer with me.

But derby cancels that out. Our Warehouse is our home, but it's got its challenges. There's bugs that crawl across the track sometimes. There's bit of cobweb that float down from the rafters during practice. There's dust in the corners that we just can't clean. But when I'm at practice, I don't care. I left my mouthguard in the Warehouse (on the floor, of course) for more than a week and when I found it, I put it back in my mouth. Building up my immune system, you know?

I've come to terms with turning left most of the time, since I did so many right turns back when I danced. I figure my equilibrium is balanced enough now.

I have a little quirk about cracks. I won't go into it because it will only make me obsess about it more, but if I step on cracks, I freak out. Needless to say, there are cracks in the floor. I don't notice them. I don't get all obsessed and have to go even things up.

Roller derby has strengthened my muscles. It has increased my determination and drive. It is a hobby that has given me several other hobbies. It has given me a network of friends and family. And it has made my brain calm down. There's no room for neuroses when you have to kill the jammer.

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