Friday, September 16, 2011

Day 2 Again

Ok, my faithful followers, I know you've been awaiting this. The results of my Day 2 assessments. If you're friends with me on Facebook, you may know already. Let's just say, I did much better this time than last time.

It was weird. Everyone else was nervous. I had no butterflies. I wasn't nervous, I was ready. I was ready to kick some ass and pass Day 2.

I had some problems, like my skate lace getting knotted. Thanks to Carrie for undoing it!

I had a lot of fun. Day 2 was great. There were 9 of us. We were all really supportive. The grannies were supportive. Foxy came over and gave us tips. She said it must be the drugs encouraging her to be nice.

I thought I'd failed shoulder checks and I thought I'd failed booty blocking, but I did not.

And the results are: I have 2 redos. 2! And they are leaning and taking inside hits in a pack. Both are things I know I can do. It's funny, because I don't even remember getting inside hits in the pack, only outside. So I'll just get low and absorb. Also I did leaning just fine with Rye a couple weeks ago.

So, folks, I plan to redo these skills Monday. And Monday night, there will hopefully be another granny!

1 comment:

  1. You totally got this! I am so proud of did awesome! {{hugs}}
