Monday, December 19, 2011


Ok, so I was all determined to finish yesterday's post. But then I got home and showered and lost all my adrenaline. So I'm hoping to get this post done before I crash.

Tonight's scrimmage was the last of 2011. And we had 4 brand new grannies. They were super nervous, but we tried to reassure them. The first couple of jams were kind of rough. I had to get my brain right, I kept accidentally letting the other jammer through. When I first jammed, it sucked. I got knocked all over the track by Rosie and Hope.

But I kept at it, and laid some good hits on the black team's jammers. My mentee Leah was scrimmaging for the first time, but she was on the other team. Each time I saw her in, I secretly cheered.

I kept on jamming against Cal Q H8r, or Caitlin #1. One of the jams I was super effective for. She got lead, but I stayed on her to the back of the pack. I got a point before she managed to call off the jam. Unfortunately, after that jam, I got sent to the box for a backblock major. I personally do not believe it was a major backblock. I think it was a minor, the individual just so happened to be unstable and went down. The zebras had a little conference and told my team after the jam. So alas, I served my minute in the box.

We had a good first half, but we were down a few points. We vowed to get better at multitasking and working together. So I go out to jam. I'm up against mostly new grannies, with one A-teamer. Their jammer goes to the box, and so does the A-teamer. So here I am, with an awesome pack and a powerjam! I scored like 15-20 points. It was great. I felt super worthwhile. I'm glad I was able to put some points up for us. I couldn't have done it without my pack though. Overwhelmingly, the white team had some fantastic blocking. Whenever I jammed, they were where I needed them to be!

So I finished the year off on a good note, and I'm looking forward to my one-on-one with Fister on Wednesday!

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