Thursday, October 28, 2010


I know I'm starting to invade people's Facebook feeds with my derby fanaticism, but frankly suck it. It's a great sport and if you don't support me or are annoyed by the frequency of my posts, there is something called "See less from this person."

That being said, I've continued to scour the internet for derby-related shit. I mean from hunting for apparel to looking at wheel reviews to blogs of other girls to the roller girl yahoo group...

Anyway, I've really been inspired by this woman's journey as documented in She skates in Oregon, with Sick Town. A lot of other blogs I've come across are from established skaters and they may have to re-pass assessments, but it's no big. Or they transfer leagues. In this blog, the woman talks a lot about the struggles she has. She sets goals, she works out, and she remains positive.

So I'm inspired to set goals. 1. Pass assessments (duh!), passing assessments is important for like 400 reasons. Firstly, it makes me eligible to scrimmage. Secondly, it's a big fricking deal. And thirdly, it means I can go to practice on Monday and that's great because sometimes I have to work on Thursday.

Having participated in granny warm-ups, I have an idea of what I'm in for once I pass. And it's intense. I fully expect to be sore as shit at that time. Like starting again.

Back to my goals (I digress, it's one of those days), to pass assessments, I need my 25 in 5. I'm determined to pass November assessments. And they're in like 2 and a half weeks. But I can do it. I need to.

Once more, I need to work on 25 in 5. I haven't done it with the new skates yet (something I'm certain will be rectified this evening) and I'm hoping that will help me to shave off those seconds. Also, being able to do other drills afterward. Since I think 25 in 5 is first on Day 1. Because doing drops and falls after that is SOOO hard. I'll need to work on my core strength to do so.

I need to work on my falls in general. Baseball slides could certainly be stronger. Getting up needs work. Might need some derby crunches to prepare.

Jumping. Last time we did jumping, I was lazy. Lazy is bad. I was not low. I was just jumping. Rosie noticed.

My sticky skating needs some work now that I can sticky skate.

Man, I was all ambitious when I started this, but I think I'm giving up to focus on getting ready for practice tonight. But I'm sure I'll blog again soon.


  1. There is so much more to derby than just skating. No one would ever know unless they did it for themselves.

    You are doing great! And just remember...even if for some reason you don't pass assessments (blaspheme the thought) take it as a learning experience and grow from there. You can dooooo it!

  2. I think this particular individual does understand. He was just bitching because he does that.

    And damn I hope so. Last night was the first time I've thought, "Maybe I won't pass in November." But I'm trying to banish that thought with thoughts of declaring my derby name and stuff.
