Friday, October 22, 2010


So I ordered my skates. Did I mention that? Well, I did. Sure-Grip Rebels. $136, free shipping. Thank you,

Now I just have to wait for them. And wait, I am doing. I am obsessively hounding the tracker. My shipment is on schedule to arrive on the 25th. Ack! I can't wait til then. I have another practice before then. Ugh.


Anyway, practice happened last night. Rosie and P.Hole led, but neither were on skates. There were 4 grannies and a bunch of us newbies. We did 25 in 5. I did not do so well. 5:20, which is worse than my last time. I don't think I was pushing as hard. Last time, it was Sunday morning, and I'd just woken up. However, for the rest of practice, I struggled. So I gotta get back down. Hopefully real wheels will help. Like, a lot. We didn't do any pack drills, but we did do some fun relays. A shopping cart-suicide and this weird drill involving single-knee 180 degree drops and baseball slides and getting from the ground on pads.

Last night was supposed to be Extended Prep for assessments with an extra hour of practice! But there wasn't enough interest, so it's next Thursday instead. Luckily, I can also attend that one. I'm excited, especially since I'll have my new skates, and this will be a crash course in breaking them in. I think there's scrimmage Monday, so maybe I'll warm up with the grannies to try out my new skates. Maybe.

Learned about the other Caitlin. She knows my old drama teacher, they were coworkers til he moved schools. This isn't pertaining to derby, but it's amusing.

I think that's all I got to say for now. Later, folks!


  1. You didn't mention me totally busting my ass! LMAO! Wait a minute....maybe that's a good thing.

    You are doing great! Everyone has off days.

  2. Somebody busts their ass every practice. And then we talk about butts. That's the way it goes.

    Can't wait for my new skates, coming at any minute!
